Epicor®: New research shows beneficial modulation of the gut microbiome

EpiCor® has over 10 years of success in the USA due to its various scientifically proven benefits.

EpiCor® is a natural, whole food fermentation ingredient that can be easily used in food supplement formulations. When taken daily, EpiCor® is a safe and effective way to naturally support the immune and digestive systems for better health. 


This new randomized, placebo-controlled human clinical trial conducted in Europe, aimed to investigate the gut health effects of EpiCor®. Statistically significant results on this study demonstrated EpiCor’s gastrointestinal and prebiotic benefits at only 500 mg daily dose and confirmed the link between the immune and digestive systems.  

Published research from over 10 pre-clinical & human clinical trials, shows that just a 500 mg daily dose results in more healthy winter days & reduction of seasonal sinus discomfort by balancing immune responses and reinforcing healthy immune system function. EpiCor® also provides the unique benefits of rapid and extended immune responses.  This new human clinical trial shows EpiCor® also supports digestive health through beneficial modulation of the microbiome. 

The full study and other published data are available for download to registered users in our dedicate page. 

EpiCor® is available in powder and bulk capsules.


www.Geelawsonnutritional.com  - A division of  

Teresita Ruda 

Tel. +39 02 964464.721