"Family business of a manageable size – Fourth generation limited partnership"

Through a flexible combination of its three business models distribution, trading, and production, Lehmann&Voss&Co. with it's subsidiaries (LEHVOSS Group) offer a broad range of chemical and mineral specialities. For our customers, we are a trustworthy partner that is highly competent in providing technological solutions and offers personal advice combined with individual services.

Corporate parameters 2023

 LEHVOSS Italia, OriggioLEHVOSS Group*
Employees 44648
Turnover 51 million €465 million €

* without joint ventures

Head office:

LEHVOSS Italia S.r.l.
Viale Italia, 2
21040 Origgio (VA)
Phone: +39 02 964 464 11
Fax: +39 02 964 464 730
E-mail: info(at)lehvoss(dot)it

Executive Management:

Stefanie Klemt, Managing Director, Chairwoman of the Management Board
Cristina Lorenzetti, Managing Director
Annalisa Pini, Managing Director