Personal Care Newsletter

TerlysNIXALIN™Active ingredientNew application for sensitive skin
Bloomage BiotechnologyHyacross™Active ingredientMoisturizing effect; anti-aging; anti-pollution
ImerysImerys – skin care and sun care applicationSkin care and sun care ingredientsYour ally for skin care and sun care formulation
Bloomage BiotechnologyHymagic™ AcHAActive ingredientMoisturizing effect; repairing and anti-aging
LambertiEucarol® EASY MBCosmetic ingredientSolid cosmetics - Toiletries
Hybloom™ Zinc Hyaluronate (HA-Zn)Active ingredientMoisturizing effect; Soothing effect; antioxidant
Personal Care
LUVOCARE® Wax – natural waxesCosmetic ingredientMoisturizing effect; Soothing effect; improve thermal stability
ImerysImerCare® Matte-6M-BlurMake up ingredientsYour ally for make up formulation
Bioyouth™ BriceActive ingredientMoisturizing effect; antioxidant; whitening effect
Biobloom™Microbeauty ME3Active ingredientRegulation of the skin microbiota and improvement of overall skin health
ImerysImerCare® 6MMake upMica for press powder
CationHA™-Clear1Conditioning moisturizerMoisturizing effect; protection and repair of the scalp
SEQENSOsmo'cityActive ingredientUrban protection, sensitive skin


GABACARETM BL98TActive ingredientAnti-aging
Solus AdvancedDS-TAPSActive ingredientImprovement of dark circle under the eyes; improvement in barrier integrity
SEQENSCelebr'age™ GettoActive ingredientAnti-aging
ODYCEAGalacteaneTM PFActive ingredientAntipollution, conditioning
ODYCEAPink NectarTM winner BSB Innovation AwardActive ingredientAntipollution
Bloomage BiotechnologyBioyouth™ NattoActive ingredientAntioxidant; protection, repair and anti-aging; whitening effect
ImerysImerCare® KaoBrightOral careAbrasive agent for toothpaste
SolusDS-CERAMIXActive IngredientAntipollution, protection, repair and anti-aging
LEHVOSS Personal CarePearldust®Pearlescent pigments for make up and skin careNew collection of pearlescent pigments
TerlysNixalinTMActive IngredientNatural betulin from birch bark for sensitive skin
TerlysPartnership AnnouncementActive IngredientsNatural Ingredients
Bloomage BiotechnologyBiobloom™ Microecobeauty
Active ingredientAntioxidant, anti-aging
LambertiEsaflor® HM 22Thickener, suspending agent, emulsion aidNatura-based ally
SEQENSPartnership AnnouncementActive ingredientsNatural ingredients
ODYCEAPlankton Glass FlowerActive ingredientAntipollution; mattifying effect; blue-light protection
Bloomage BiotechnologyBioyouthTM SilkyActive ingredientMoisturizing effect, repairing and anti-aging, anti-pollution
NPPDaikon Seed ExtractEmollientEcostanable oil, Bee friendly
SolusDS-Hydroceramide 50Active ingredientHydrodispersible Ceramide NP - skin abrrier repair
Bloomage BiotechnologyBioecto™ EctoinActive ingredientImprove anti-stress ability; protection, repair and anti-aging
ODYCEAPink NectarActive ingredientAnti-pollution
IMERYSVital skinMattifying, antipollutionTested diatomea for press powder
FACIMetallic Stearates-properties-toiletriesAdditives for cosmeticsMetallic stearates range for toiletries application
Bloomage BiotechnologymicroHATMActive ingredientSoothing effect
LambertiEUCAROL® AGESurfactantMild Surfactant
Bloomage BiotechnologyBiobloomTM Microecobeauty ME-1Active ingredientRegulation of the skin microbiota and improvement of overall skin health
FACISodium Stearate FU Y VegGelling agent for transparent stick deodorantsSpecifically designed sodium stearate for transparent stick deodorants
LowensteinBleach & Color in one stepHair careBleach & Color in one step
NPPMeadowfoam Seed Oil XPREmollientNatural emollient
LEHVOSS Personal CareLUVOCARE® WAX rangeMake up and skin careWaxes range for skin care& make up
FACIMetallic Stearates-properties-Skincare make upAdditives for cosmeticsMetallic Stearates range for skincare & make-up applications
ODYCEAJADE ALGATM PFAnti wrinkles, soft peelingShape Memory technology
Bloomage BiotechnologyHYACOLORTM-LAActive ingredientLip care
FACIMetallic StearateAdditives for cosmeticMetallic stearates range for cosmetic applications
ODYCEASEALIFT PFLifting and anti-pollutionStarry Red Algae
LambertiEsaflor® PFTConditionerEco-sustainable cation guar derivative
Stéarinerie DuboisDUB SSICPigments solubilizerMake-up (high coverage products)

Orgasol 4000 EXD NAT COS Caresse

Make-upMascara functional ingredient
ODYCEAMASKNE and natural remediesActive ingredientNatural remedies for the face
Bloomage BiotechnologyBIOYOUTHTM EGT ProActive ingredientAntioxidant and anti-photoageing
LEHVOSS Personal CarePOLACRIL range

Acrylate polymer based rheology modifiers

Rheology modifier
Stéarinerie DuboisEstersSkin care / Make-upPetrolatum and silicones alternative
ARKEMABeauty Box Attraktive – FormulationsMake-up/Skin careProduct for sporty women
Stéarinerie DuboisDUB ESTOLINE®Skin Care / Make-upEmollients, Film former, waterproof
ODYCEAMarine Bamboo™Active ingredientBlue light protection
BRBBRB Color LockLip productColour protection for lipsticks
Bloomage BiotechnologyBIOMOIST™Active ingredientHyaluronic acid for Oral Care
IMERYSImerCare® PerlitePeelingNatural peeling
Bloomage BiotechnologyHYAFACTOR PGA-SHMActive ingredientReinforcement of the skin barrier
IMERYSImerCare® MatteLipstick / FoundationReplacing microplastics
LambertiESAFLOR® HDRRheological modifierAlcoholic
LEHVOSS Personal CareFocus on hand wash gel formulaHand sanitizing gelFormulation
ODYCEAPresentation of portfolioActive ingredientsNatural and marine ingredients
ODYCEAPartnership announcementActive ingredientsNatural and marine ingredients